Xavier Bruhiere

DevOps is not continuous delivery

April 14, 2017 (8y ago)6 views

An explanation on the difference and what happens when we treat the two as the same thing

The tech world is full of buzzwords and DevOps is undoubtly one of the best-known of the last few years. I would qualify of "tech buzzwords" any powerful technology concept mixed with a generous amount of bullish noise and yet smart innovations. Take Docker. Literally the democratization of container technologies, burried under a flow of articles proclaiming production deployment was solved.

But it is not. IT departments are under the pressure of (at least) two modern expectations : complexe services topology and market agility. Let me illustrate.

This topology stolen from System Design Primer, an organized collection of resources to help you learn how to build systems at scale, is a common application architecture. The repartition of data write and read paths between different technologies makes the system capable of scaling while maintaining data availability and consistency.

It is built upon many moving parts talking to each other in different protocols. Yet, agile development and customers expects developers to :

  • quickly release new features based on client feedback
  • keep the service available even during large deployments
  • no lasting crashes, regressions or interruptions

How do you do that ? You cultivate a DevOps philosophy and build a continous integration pipeline. Not sure what it means ? Then read on, we will figure it out.

The confusion of what they share

There is a lot of confusion about the scope covered by DevOps and what exactly continuous delivery (CD) means. So much that we often use them somewhat interchangeably. It probably comes from good intentions, though, as the two concepts share some wide philosophic goals. Let us read what experts say.

DevOps is defined on AWS as

the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity

Continuous Delivery, as stated by Carl Caum from Puppet,

is a series of practices designed to ensure that code can be rapidly and safely deployed to production by delivering every change to a production-like environment and ensuring business applications and services function as expected through rigorous automated testing

So yeah, both are about delivering code. Both try to enforce practices and tools to improve velocity and reliability of softawre in production. Both want the IT release pipeline to be as cost-effective and agile as possible. This is no surprise also that both of them emerged quite lately.

A few years back, more time and resources were put to improve operational efforts (that is DevOps) to sustain time to market expectations and increasing services complexity (that is Continuous Delivery).

To sum up, a culture came out of the market constraints and unlocked powerful methodologies for projects development lifecycle. So there are a lot of links and correlations between both concepts. Yet they differ and the amalgam can end up costly.

The cost of their differences

Goal scope

In its definition of what DevOps is, Atlassian nails a critical understanding of the term :

DevOps doesn’t solve tooling problems. It solves human problems.

It is the culture, the organizational intent. It tries to promote the idea that IT and operational teams should work seamlessly together, and design tools and processes to ensure high velocity development-to-production cycles.

Continuous Delivery on the other hand, narrows this scope to a single mentra : your code should always be able to be safely released. It means that any change goes through an automated pipeline of tests (units, integrations, end-to-end) before being promoted to production. Martin Fowler nicely sums up the immediate benefits of this sophisticated deployment routine: "reduced deployment risk, believable progress and user feedback".


Applying CD is difficult and requires both advanced operational knowledge and enough resources to setup the pipeline that fit the team. Without a DevOps culture, one will lack team communication and technical resources and will end-up with a poor design. It will hurt the most critical IT pipeline : longer release cycles, more unexpected behaviours in production, slow feedback loop. Developers and management might fear the deployment step and become less agile.

The reverse situation, DevOps without CD, is less dangerous but equally inefficient. While we insist that DevOps is a culture, it is by no mean supposed to stay a theory. The purpose of this movement is to empower teams to build better tools and better processes to deliver code. The time (money) spent to bootstrap such a culture shouldn't be zeroed by the lack of concrete actions. CD delivery is a powerful asset for projects trying to conquer a market in a lean fashion. It overcomes the investments with teams of developers focused on business problems, delevering to clients tested solutions as fast as they are ready.


We argued in this short post that CD and DevOps are two different concepts in how modern teams understand IT operations. Ignoring one of them induces waste of resources and poor engineering efficiency. But it is important to recall that the wide scope of the later and the complexity of the former mean a lengthy adoption process. Just make it right. It perfectly makes sense to gradually install a DevOps culture that will, one tool after another, solve or improve engineering pains. Not all projects need something as rigourous as a Continuous Delivery pipeline. But it is certainely a competitive advantage.

So keep the communication channels open, think of outsourcing the most complex parts to cloud providers (or open source) if needed, understand the value of automated tests and feedback-loop, and hire awesome people to take responsabilities on this matter. Not only you won't be bitten by what we described above, but you will deliver sustainable value much quicker.

A final word of caution. As sophisticated as they are, those methodologies are not magic. A service as critical as AWS S3 claims 99.999999999% durability thanks to rigorous engineering methods and yet, on February 28th, it suffered a large service disruption. Code delivery is hard, keep your processes sharp !